Announcing mPower Physical Therapy's Amazing New Workshop

Featuring One of the Most Sought-After Health Speakers, DR PAM POPPER from the Forks Over Knives Movie!

The Secrets to Remaining Healthy as You Age – How to Maintain Great Cognitive and Physical Health

What Do You Want Your Last 10 Years of Life to Look Like?

  • Your main mode of transportation is a wheelchair verses walking and being able to travel with family

  • Your family is taking care of you verses you spending quality time with them.

  • You are in a hospital bed verse being able to go to a sporting event or whatever event you want to attend.

  • You are limited by pain, energy levels are down, sleeping a lot- just surviving verse thriving and enjoying live.

  • You are stuck at home due to disease and illness, verse enjoying getting out with your grandkids

  • You are losing your mind verse being able to think and enjoy conversations with family and friends

There are 2 sides to every story- Which side do you want to be on?

It is a choice...

And it needs to start now!

As we start to get into our 40's, 50's and beyond the frustration starts...

You start to notice changes in our bodies.

More aches and pains, perimenopause to menopause, lack of sleep, lower energy levels, brain fog, bloating, weight gain, a fear of what is your life going to look like as you get older?

And the list goes on...

The problem is our healthcare is often going to take you down the wrong path... The path of no answers- here is a pill, nothing is wrong with you, this is just what happens as you get older.

Leaving your more frustrated because you are not getting answers and you are not feeling any better. What is going to happen when I get older? Is it going to get worse? I want to retire and have fun, is that possible?

Our healthcare system likes to treat symptoms and not get to the root cause of your problems leading you down the path of disease, disability and not living your life as you age!

You see, your path starts now which is why we are putting this event on!

The Ultimate Health and Wellness Event Happening in
Dallas on Sept 28th at 12 pm and 29th at 1:30 pm.

(Limited to 100 people or VIP lunch with Dr. Pam Popper limited to 10 people)

Get the Ultimate 2-hour Health Education on How to Age Feeling Your Best without Medications! Our Healthcare has it all Wrong. Learn Why!

You Can Choose How You Live!

  • What: 2 Hour Wellness Event and VIP Event

  • When: Sept 29 Big Event start time at 1:30 pm |Sept 28 VIP Lunch at 12 pm

  • Where: At 4 Day Weekend: 5601 Sears St, Dallas 75206 | VIP Event 1130 Beachview St, St 110, Dallas 75218

  • Who: Anyone Wanting to Stay Out of the Hospitals and Feel Their Best as They Age

    Price: $40 for the Big Event, $175 for the VIP Lunch

    Price goes up in Mid Sept!

Apply for One of the Seats Here!

This 1 Day "Ultimate Health and Wellness Event" is all about:

  • Dr. Pam Popper Consumes information like no other person.
    She runs a Wellness Forum helping Thousands of people reclaim their life back at any age and helping other medical professionals to do the same for their clients!

  • Perimenopause- Menopause-
    What does science really say about Hormone replacement therapy! No longer feel like you leave without any answers or solutions - which is common at doctor's offices!

  • How can I keep my mental health?
    More and more people are falling into dementia and other cognitive diseases. What can I do to not lose my mental health in the future?

  • How to not have to be on medications as you age

    (or drastically reduce what you are taking) and feel your best!

  • How Arthritis is not the Source of your Problem! Learn how to stay active as you age. Keeping those aches and pains away!

  • Providing you with over 20 years of REAL-WORLD experience and the Science of what it is like to Age gracefully.

    Ending the MISERY of just surviving as you age to thriving as you age!

  • Discovering how to navigate the most common health problems in our Healthcare System and getting the real solutions on how your body can health naturally.

  • How to reduce inflammation in our body that is the starting place for disease, neurological diseases (such as dementia and Parkinson's), and aches and pains that we feel.

  • If a Doctor Starts a Conversation," Well at your age..." Run. It is so common to get dismissed by doctors who do not have time to put the pieces of the puzzle together to get you feeling better. Learn how to Age Backwards!

Pam Popper is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine and health, and the founder and Executive Director of Wellness Forum Health.

The company provides educational programs, extensive libraries of videos and articles, diet and lifestyle intervention, and assistance to consumers who are interested in regaining and/or maintaining optimal health. The company also offers professional development programs for health professionals who want to convert or start a practice focused on health instead of sick care. Through its own network of providers, Wellness Forum Health offers direct-to-consumer healthcare services.

Pam has been featured in many widely distributed documentaries, including Processed People and Making a Killing and appeared in the acclaimed documentary Forks Over Knives, which played in major theaters throughout North America in 2011. She is one of the co-authors of the companion book which was on the New York Times bestseller list for 66 weeks. She is the author of Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Can Save Your Life, and COVID Operation: What Happened, Why it Happened and What's Next. Her next book, which will be released late 2024/2025 is Conversations with Pam: Saving the American Healthcare System From Collapse.

Pam is featured as the lead expert in Food Choices, appears in Diet Fiction, and also in Code Blue, which was released in early 2020. She is the author of the companion books for Food Choices and Diet Fiction.

She is the co-founder of Make Americans Free Again (MAFA), a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating medical tyranny, restoring freedom to Americans, and rebuilding our country.

Pam is also a lobbyist and public policy expert, and continually works toward changing laws that interfere with patients' right to choose their health provider and method of care.

She has testified in front of legislative committees on numerous occasions, and has testified three times in front of the USDA's Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.

Pam is a straight-talking professional who is not afraid to criticize national health organizations, government agencies, medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies, agricultural organizations and manufacturing companies, many of whom have agendas and priorities that interfere with distributing truthful information and promoting public health.

Everyone who is interested in health should hear her speak. For some, their lives may depend on what she has to say!

Stefani Wylie Crowley, MSPT, DIP MDT

Stefani Wylie Crowley is a licensed Physical Therapist specializing in helping clients avoid surgery, medications, and injections. She is the owner of mPower Physical Therapy
where we have the best physical therapists and work as a team to get the best results for our clients.

She grew up in the Dallas area playing select soccer.
She went on to play collegiate soccer at Southern Methodist University, where she was a 4-year starter.
During her collegiate years she was selected to be on the United States National Soccer Pool Team. She went on to play semi-professional soccer after college and has 2 national titles with that team. Along with her soccer career, she has finished 4 marathons.

Stefani has Masters of Science in Exercise Physiology and Physical Therapy.
She has her personal training certification from Cooper Clinic in Dallas. She, along with a partner, has developed, implemented, and performed research on their Sports Injury Prevention Programs. This program prevents Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries for all athletic venues. The research data for the ACL prevention program was finished in November of 2004.

This research has been accepted to the Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal and Published in January of 2010.
She finished her second research project with her ACL prevention program in December 2006.

Stefani has a spine specialist in Manual Therapy through Mckenzie Institute. She has completed her Diploma Mechanical Diagnose and Treatment program for Mckenzie 2016 to become 1 of 5 people in the DFW area to have this honor.

In clinic, our team has treated clients from people who just want answers to why they are hurting to professional athletes.

Stefani took care of the professional athletes in need of physical therapy for the Dallas Sidekicks Professional Indoor Soccer Team and the Women's Professional Basketball Team called the Dallas Fury.

Stefani has been on Good Morning Texas 2 times as a health expert and is the author of a book called, "Regaining Hope: The Secret Guide to Hitting Pain From All Angles to Get Back to Living Life."

Our team has been doing physical therapy different in Dallas for the last 7 years. We are the leading experts when it comes to getting to the source of your problem, avoid surgery and medications and getting you back to LIVING your LIFE as you AGE!

We help CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERERS who have Tried Numerous Medical Treatments and Medications Unsuccessfully AND are Being Urged to have surgery, GET THEIR LIFE BACK!

"Are you Frustrated with our Medical System? Want more Education on how to Holistically solve your Healthcare Needs?"

Here is what we typically see versus what you need:

"Are you Frustrated with our Medical System? Want more Education on how to Holistically solve your Healthcare Needs?"

Here is what we typically see versus what you need:

Traditional Medical System

  • Here is a pill to solve your problem

  • Over testing without a clear path

  • No time with healthcare provider

  • Only go to the site of the problem (i.e. symptoms) problem

  • Going to multiple providers without a solution

  • Blood work is normal, but you know something is off

  • Doctor's tell you that this is normal aging

  • Doctor's tell you it is arthritis - here is a pill1

Non-Traditional Medical System

  • Let's get to the source of your problem

  • Let's listen and use our critical thinking skills

  • Looking at the whole body- where the site of the problem is often not the source of the problem

  • One provider listening & helping you navigate your problem

  • Comparing your blood work to healthy individuals not with the unhealthy population

  • Many cases can mimic arthritis. Arthritis is rarely the problem

We could go on and on

Apply Here to Save Your Spot

Who is the Event For?

  • If you are looking for answers to your health concerns - such as perimenopausal symptoms, autoimmune, how to stay healthy as you age

  • If you are wanting to thrive and life and not just survive as you get older

  • You are sick of the healthcare system and want some different answers and viewpoints

  • You want to keep your cognitive health intact as you age- Leaving dementia behind!

  • You are tired of going to the doctor's office and not getting answers

  • You just want to feel better. Sick and tired of not sleeping well, no energy, continuing to gain weight as you age, and having brain fog

  • You are looking for businesses to help you solve your problems, who will listen to you and help you get back to feeling better

What do you get?

The speaker event (limited to $100 people) - $40/person(price will go up in Mid September)

  • Learning from one of the leading health experts in the US. Dr. Pam Popper leads a Wellness Forum helping thousands of clients get their health back. Fighting for better healthcare reform in the government!

  • Education to make a more informed decision about your health. Knowledge is power.

  • Get your questions answered! When you sign up, we have a few questions for you to answer to tailor this experience. One question being, "what would you like answered by Dr. Pam Popper?"

  • Learn from the Leading Expert, Stefani Crowley, in how to feel your Best as you Age! What are new technologies that will keep you active!

The VIP Lunch with Dr. Pam Popper (limited to 10 people)- $175/person

  • A healthy lunch is provided at mPower Physical Therapy's Office in White Rock Lake- One of their favorite Healthy Restaurants!

  • You get to spend 1 on 1 time with Dr. Pam Popper and Stefani Crowley.

  • You can try a free session of the PEMF treatment. Plus get a package at our lowest Pricing ever! - helping with microcirculation and detoxification (learn more after you sign up)

  • Get a Free copy of Stefani's Book "Regaining Hope: The Secret Guide to Hitting Pain From All Angles to Get Back to Living Life"

Apply Here to Save Your Spot